A valuable collective experience of self-organization in front of new challenges
It has opened in front of us a new era, both promising and difficult but also totally new. The social solidarity movement is facing new challenges in regard to the development of collective solidarity actions, interventions in the institutional framework and developing resources.
Our collective experience
In the four wild years of the worst attack on society, work and rights, solidarity structures by developing a diverse movement of solidarity through hundreds of structures with varying characteristics, contributed significantly to keep society on two legs .
Those involved in the structures make the most of their ideas and skills, often developed and new , so today we have a great potential in the field of what in terms of qualifications would call social work .The accumulated knowledge and experience it has occasionally measured , but still needs a lot of work to understand , the generalization of the findings and develop new ideas and proposals so that this experience be directly usable in the field of social needs . And this work cannot be an object an external to the problems observer, but has to rise and be fed by the constant action of social solidarity movement.
Meanwhile, solidarity structures created a different model of organization and participation, therefore spaces of freedom and self-motivation have been created, away from the risk of stagnation and bureaucratization. As such, solidarity structures are co-operatives that reinforce social participation, equity, social control and the expanding of democracy, through self -organization processes.
New challenges
The challenge before us is layered: the development of the Solidarity movement and even larger connection with society, strengthening coherence and increase of organization, constant programming process and contribution and control in the exercise of government policies.
The program includes parallel workshops, in order to answer, in the richness of issues and ideas that came out in the preparatory meetings. The main avenues and the conclusions of each workshop will be presented Sunday at the last closing meeting.
(May 9 to 10 at the Agricultural University)
Saturday, May 9
11.00 - 11.30 (Room A)
OPENING MEETING : Briefing about the program and the methodology of debate
12.00 - 15.00
WORKSHOP 1: (Room A)
Without Intermediaries: Three years after, we prepare for the next steps
The Without intermediaries markets are growing , changing, follow different paths , disturb and facing a war . Collectively declare their existence. Coordinate by proposing legislative changes, discussing their future.
WORKSHOP 2: (Room B)
Legal entity: Just the forehead or we need a legal status ?
We need a social solidarity structures legal form and for what reasons? What are the actions that we have difficulty , what is their positive and their negative side ?
WORKSHOP 3: (main hall )
Education: Social schools / solidarity schools
We operate (essentially) in the class inequality of the access to education. Integrating immigrants through language of all ages . Do we expose ourselves to unusual fields (general knowledge, skills, culture) , while the dilemma " education or training" is always present?
WORKSHOP 1: ( Fragopoulos hall )
Above all reciprocity!
The skills and knowledge of all of us, our valuable resources. Activation and involvement of our families is an issue that has concerned us. Maximum activation can reach 30% . With the remaining 70 % what happens? How this great potential is recorded , and becomes involved ?
WORKSHOP 2: (Room A)
Communication: Multiplying the effect
We act , mobilize , organize campaigns , debates and events . How to communicate? Practical communication lab, internet and mutual support organization to multiply the effect.
WORKSHOP 3: (Room B)
Social and solidarity economy : To establish a permanent meeting place and debate
The theory , practice and methodology richness ,that has blossomed in recent years " shouts " that there's another way to organize the economy , the job , the free space and time . Can these practices play a leading role in those special times we live in? Certainly we say ... And it is not only possible it is necessary !
WORKSHOP 4: ( main hall )
Work: Solidarity, component of labour sites
We are entering deep water ! In the essence and the beginning of trade union practices. Experiencing the decline of trade union associations, how we could contribute giving them a new meaning ? Is it the solidarity with the union members but also with the extensive society, fact that would assist in such a direction? What are the ways , the approach methods and tools ?
Sunday, May 10
11.00 -14.00
WORKSHOP 1: ( Fragopoulos hall )
Saving resources
Food and medicines are concentrated now with some difficulty .We are all facing that in our actions. Is it really that rare or should we start looking elsewhere ? In what ways and what collaborations we would try to find the country's wealth ?
WORKSHOP 2: (Room A)
Roof : "A roof over our head '
Houses, shops and fields continue to be auctioned . The evictions of renters are increasing as much as the insecurity . On the same time around us ,is a large building stock into disuse. Do we proclaim them ? In what ways and for what uses ? How do we react regarding this reality?
WORKSHOP 3: (Room B)
KIFA : "And what about our health !"
New situation, new tasks! How social solidarity clinics and pharmacies can expand the ways and areas of intervention? We seek the greater coordination tools and new thematic approach.
We present the conclusions, anxieties and ideas discussed in our laboratories and we are forming the message of the meeting. Tune and move!